Contact us

Our Location

Malagas is 280 km from Cape Town (approx. 2.5 hours’ drive). A boutique style approach to detail for the concerning fisherman /- woman. An overall experience for the whole family at one spot in close proximity to various attractions. Events management coupled with accommodation

Plot 396, Diepkloof, Malgas

Open : Mon-Fri from 08h00 – 16h00
Lunch 13:00 -14:00
Saturdays: 09:00 – 12:00

When you ask your question

When you ask a question, we will respond within 12 hours. We will provide a detailed answer from a our qualified agents with a plan of action.

  • If you submit a question, we will respond within 12 hours
  • Qualified agents provides thorough, expert service
  • A summary of the plan of action

LBRCT Boat licence center

Boat licence centre – LIVING THE BREEDE in conjunction with Lower Breede River Conservancy Trust. The Municipal by-laws regulating use of the Breede River and Estuary require all power boats using the Breede to be registered and licensed. Failure to do so renders operators liable to a fine under these by-laws.

Contact:  or +27 (0) 72 846 6777 or SCAN our QR.
Plot 396, Diepkloof, Malgas


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